Identificación de productos

To order spare parts or complete component groups, or to clearly identify a product for repair or re-manufacture, please reference the numbers, found on the product identification tag.

Having these details  on hand will enable us to quickly provide you with a quotation for spare parts, repair or a replacement delivery.

Below you will find tag locations and the identification numbers to reference (i.e., Hennig No., Order No., etc)


Location  Metal tag on either side of the discharge head (typically on the exposed side)

Numbers to Reference  Hennig No.  |  Customer No.  |  Serial No.  |  Date

Location  Metal tag on side of the coolant tank (typically on the exposed side)

Numbers to Reference  Hennig No.  |  Customer No.  |  Serial No.  |  Date

Location  Metal tag on the large external box

Numbers to Reference  Hennig No.  |  Customer No.  |  Order No.  |  Date

Location Adhesive label on the connecting face (typically in the middle of the bellow fold or on the PVC stiffeners)

Numbers to Reference  Part No.  |  Job No.  |  Customer No.

Location Adhesive label on the connecting face (typically in the middle of the bellow fold or on the PVC stiffeners)

Numbers to Reference  Part No.  |  Job No.  |  Customer No.

Location Metal tag on the joining face (typically on the top)

Numbers to Reference  Model  |  Serial No.  |  Hennig No.  |  Date

Location Metal tag on canister or bearing bracket

Numbers to Reference  Hennig No.  |  Customer No.  |  Serial No.  |  No. of Preloads

Location Metal tag on canister or bearing bracket

Numbers to Reference  Hennig No.  |  Customer No.  |  Serial No.  |  Date

Location Adhesive decal on large end of the spring

Numbers to Reference  Reference No.  |  Drawing No.  |  Order No.  |  Date

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