It was late summer when Hennig’s salesman Cameron Schubert received a call from Keith Mellen of Omni Gear Inc. (Joliet, IL), about repairing a Hennig hinge belt conveyor they had purchased 20 years ago. The conveyor served them well over the years, but now it needed a few parts and replacement belt in order to continue performing properly.
Cameron paid Omni Gear a visit to see the veteran conveyor. “It certainly felt good to see that our product could stand the test of time and still perform well regardless of age”, said Cameron. It is a great example of why we stand behind the quality and reliability of the products we sell. The conveyor could definitely be repaired, however Cameron suggested that it would be more cost effective for the customer to buy a new conveyor rather than replacing old parts. Mr. Mellen agreed and the Cameron received a PO for a new hinge belt conveyor shortly thereafter. The conveyor was delivered promptly in the beginning of September and has been moving chips on the shop floor since.
Omni Gear produces precision-machined custom gears for the variety of industries for over 30 years.
They manufacture in a large selection of materials including brass, bronze, plastic, fiber and alloys to meet customer’s exact specification.
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