
Win the Battle Against Downtime and the High Cost of Coolant Filtration

In years past, manufacturers have been dealing with a problem of the rising coolant and chip disposal costs. There simply has never been a reliable, effective and economical way to deal with the volume of chips and coolant which is produces by cutting tools and the machines. The benefit of the system which would not only remove chips from the operation, but also filter the dirty coolant, is clear to see. By cutting disposal and replenishment costs and ensuring that only a clean coolant was returned to the machine for re-use, you will reduce tool breakage, workpiece damage and machine downtime and repair.

The industry got closer to having a viable solution when the first self-cleaning drum-type filters were introduced in the 1990’s, offering nylon or other synthetic fiber filtration media solutions.

  1. Backwash nozzles
  2. Drum (nylon media)
  3. Clamp Plates

These solutions proved to be unreliable and expensive as the chips volumes increased, thus resulting in torn nylon media or collapsed drums and filter media, which required hours of costly downtime and repair.

When Hennig Introduced its breakthrough Chip Disc Filtration (CDF) technology, the battle against high cost downtime has been won. This patented stainless-steel disc system can withstand day-to-day wear and heavy volumes of chips, which would destroy weaker nylon and other synthetic fiber drums.


1.Coarse Chip Removal

With hinge or scraper belt
The belt (hinge or scraper) collects larger chips and particles for discharge into the chip hopper. Removing coarse chip before they reach disc filter keeps them from bundling and jamming the system, which fosters extremely efficient fine particle filtration.

2. Fine Particle Filtration

Filtering Coolant
Small particles that escape the belt naturally, migrate with the coolant flow to the rotating disc filter. The collected particles rotate with the disc filter and are lifted out of the coolant, towards the backwash spray. There, the particles are blasted onto the belt with a backwash spray and removed along with the coarse chips. The particles down to 25 microns are collected and the cleaned coolant flows back to your tank.

3. Cast Iron Micro-Filtration
Collecting & discarding cast iron fines
The addition of a solid rotating magnetic drum allow for cast iron fines to be collected and removed from the coolant.

When enough particles have collected on the magnetic drum to form a heavy sludge, the sludge drops onto the dry conveyor incline and is discarded along with the coarse chips and particles that have been collected on the disc filter into the chip hopper.


While the general principles of operation are similar between drum-type filters and the CDF, in practical application the CDF is considerably more economical and effective over the life of the machine. First, the Hennig CDF system can be used with either a hinge or scraper belt. Many drum manufacturers use a more expensive dual conveyor system, with one hinge belt and one scraper belt design. This design is much larger, more expensive and use additional valuable real estate.

Next, the stainless steel media can handle a continuous heavy chip load vs. mesh or drum-type filters. In addition, because of the way the mesh media is attached to the drum, it can take hours to replace.  In comparison, it takes 10-20 minutes to replace the stainless steel disc on the CDF and all which is required for that, is the removal of a single clampnut. Also, maintaining the spray nozzles, used for the filter backwash, is considerably easier with CDF.  These nozzles are externally mounted and easily accesible, comparing to the drum-type filters are mounted to the pipe inside the drum, making is difficult for maintenance. Finally, the CDF requires only one economical drive system for all types of machining operations and chips.  End users can benefit from lower equipment cost and reduces maintenance with the unit that will pay for itself in a matter of just few months.